How can I improve my English skills?

Resultado de imagen de words don´t come easy

1. Relax, do not panic. "Nobody was born taught"
2. Think about what you are going to say. Learn fixed phrases, like idioms, collocations, etc.. ("Oh, come on!", "It has been a long time since..")...
3. When learning words, try to memorize a pair of sentences that contain them.
    For example
    to disclose = to make known, to reveal
                          to lay open to view
The company disclosed that it had lost money on the deal
In spring the flowers disclose their colors.

  4. Listening is as important as speaking, so listen carefully to what others are saying
  5. Ask questions about anything. Questions that show your interest will keep the conversation going
  6. Practise any time you can, either writing or speaking. The main aim should be to produce correct English, and this is the best way to learn and improve it.
  7. Find someone to practise. There are "language exchange chats" to practise. 

        Do not think that a native is going to be better than a good English teacher, most times 
"all that glitters is not gold"
